Cheat : Little Cheats
Here are a few words you may say to Pikachu and the description of what it does.
Say "Fish" and Pikachu will dance.
Say "Dance" and Pikachu will dance.
Say "Come here!" and Pikachu will come to you.
And here are some secret places!
1. At Ochre, go to "Deep in Ochre Woods" and look at the hills by you. One hill will look different from the others, walk up to it and you will go inside it!! You will find atleast 1 rare item to keep in your house. So far i have only have a bolt and a magnet in it.
2. Goto "Field Trip Part 2" and walk up to the big tree. Tell Pikachu to came to you and you can go inside. You will end up in Abra's shop. You can buy cool items there.